
About PNW Reeds

PNW Reeds was founded in 2019 to help young oboists in their quest to understand the elusive oboe reed.

When I was younger, my mom spent hours searching internet forums looking for reed recommendations. Very often I would still end up with reeds that felt uncomfortable or didn’t sound the way I wanted them to.

With the Reed Trial Guarantee, I take the risk out of trying a new reed source by offering a free, complimentary reed to customers who are dissatisfied with the first reed they received. I will have you fill out a form to see what you’d like improved in your complimentary reed in order to help you sound your best.

Through PNW Reeds, I hope to be a trustworthy and transparent source of reeds and information to oboe students and their parents.



About the owner

Jamie Sanidad is a performing oboist, private instructor, and reed maker in the greater Seattle area. In addition to teaching her private studio, she also coaches oboe sectionals in middle and high school band classes. She recently received her Master of Music degree from the University of Washington under the instruction of Mary Lynch, and previously completed her undergraduate studies with Linda Strommen at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. She is a part of the Ladies Quintessential Quintet, performs with groups such as the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra and the North Corner Chamber Orchestra, and is the Program Coordinator for the Seattle Girls Choir. A teacher to grade school oboists as well as to working professionals who play on the side, she hopes both to inspire and to nurture a love for music in all of her students.

Learn more or sign up for oboe lessons here